Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Current way of healing Cancer and tumor Cryosurgery methods

Cancer or tumor is one of the scourge of diseases that are so feared by humans in addition to diabetes, hypertension, or coronary heart disease. Therefore, along with the times and technology, has been widely developed several alternatives to cure cancer or tumor, one Cryosurgery is a method that will give new hope to patients with advanced cancer or tumor.

The working principle of Cryosurgery Therapy

Cryosurgery is a technique of freezing method to achieve tumor -160 degrees and then warmed again, thus making cancer cells is damaged, and the freezing process can make the tumor deprived of oxygen and die. Cryosurgery is actually a type of ablation technology, which is great for the treatment of lung cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and others.
"Injuries suffered very little. In addition, the patient was conscious. No pain at all and very fast recovery time," said renowned Surgeon Indonesia Prof.Dr R. Sjamsuhidajat, SpB-WBG, in the seminar "New Insight Cryosurgery in Cancer ''.

Cryosurgery with the treatment method, patients with locally advanced tumors still have hope. "Cryosurgery can still be done, regardless of the position of the tumor or the cancer is, even in the brain once. Method is performed under CT guidance screen is only need to enter a needle on the meter helium gas flow and lower the temperature. Then, in a moment , tumor or cancer cells will be frozen and inactive. In the process, injuries that occur can be minimized.

Cryosurgery Therapy faster recovery time

In addition, continued Prof. Sjamsu, the patient was conscious, minimal pain and faster recovery time. Cryosurgery methods are considered more convenient for patients. "Through the method of Cryosurgery, patients with advanced cancer can be improved quality of life," said Prof. Sjamsu.

freezing treatment (cryosurgery Therapy) will provide new hope for cancer patients to conventional therapy, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy, can not always be counted on to conquer cancer. Cancer cells in half of patients treated with conventional therapy is growing again, and lead to death.

Emphysema, a disease caused by secondhand smoke

Emphysema, a disease caused by secondhand smoke - One of the organs that are susceptible to lung disease. Bad habits that can make the lungs are sick of smoking. One of the lung disease is emphysema. Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive lung disease involving damage to air sacs in the lungs. As a result, the body does not get the oxygen it needs. Emphysema makes breathing difficult patients.

In emphysema patients will experience a chronic cough and shortness of breath. One cause of this disease is smoking. Emphysema occurs when the alveoli or air sacs in the lungs are gradually damaged. Emphysema is an irreversible degenerative condition. The most important measure to slow disease progression for patients with emphysema is stopping smoking. Including avoiding all exposure to tobacco smoke and lung irritants.

Emphysema is a chronic lung disease

"Emphysema is a dilation of tiny air sacs called alveoli or in the lungs accompanied by damage to the walls. Under normal circumstances, a small collection of bags is associated with small airway and form a strong structure and keep the airway open," Emphysema is one a chronic lung disease characterized by damage to lung tissue, so the lungs lose their elasticity.

children exposed to secondhand smoke are accustomed to risk of disease emphysema.
The fact that children exposed to secondhand smoke are accustomed to at home are at risk of disease emphysema. Smoke inhaled is not completely disappear from the lungs of children. As adults, exposure to cigarette smoke is the forerunner of the disease emphysema.

Pulmonary rehabilitation can help cure diseases emphysema

Disease emphysema was ranked sixth out of ten of the biggest causes of death in the world. Emphysema disease increases with increasing number of people who smoke cigarettes and rapid industrial progress. Between a number of industrialized countries, waste is removed often causes pollution and pollution. Coupled with the problems that smoking can cause disease emphysema. Pulmonary rehabilitation can help to optimize the quality of life of patients and teach patients how to actively manage his care. Patients with emphysema and chronic bronchitis can do more for themselves, than patients with other disabling diseases.